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Friday, July 3, 2015

Pro Life Campaign Criticises Plans to Cut Lone Parents' Allowance

The governments plans to alter the lone parents' allowance shows a government out of touch with what is happening on the ground. Lone parents provide an extremely important duty to our society taking care of and raising the future of our country.

Lone parents like all parents have an intrinsic role to play in society and their value can not be underestimated. For the government to try and push through this cut in the lone parents' allowance shows a huge disregard for those parents raising families on their own and will only cause much worry and heartache before these measures are finally introduced. Parents need to be supported as much as possible and although changes are necessary, this abrupt course of action would appear not be have been thought out with due care and diligence.

Read the most recent Pro Life Campaign article on this topic here

lone parents

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